Thursday, September 30, 2010

Autumn 2010 OHC #2: Birds

OHC Our Outdoor Hour Challenge this week was to compare the similarities and differences between a Goose and Duck. 

Due to time, we did not make it to a local pond to view these two birds.  So yesterday, when the rain stopped, the girls and I headed outdoors to see what birds we could see and hear in our own yard!

IMG_0628 The first bird we saw on our nature walk was an American Robin.

I have to say that I do not remember every intentionally looking for birds to photograph in our yard.  It was difficult because the trees in our yard are tall and dense.  This is the best I could do.  I do like the picture though.


The girls enjoyed walking quietly to find them and listen for different sounds.

We learned several things about robins.  They are one of the best song birds. They have both a ‘good morning’ call and a different one for ‘good night’.  Robins sing best just before it rains.  A robin’s first nest will probably be in a pine, cedar, or spruce tree.  The robin usually lays 4 eggs.  They are green-blue, and each would fit on a quarter.

This is a picture of Marissa’s Robin – she is five!IMG_0631

Next we found a Blue Jay – but I was unable to take a picture.  The Blue Jay has loud calls of “Jay! Jay!”.  They have a blue crest and back, bright-white-black wings and tail.  Their under belly is white.  The big blue jay hangs around thick shrubs and trees – especially oak – all year long.  Their eggs are green with brown spots.  Usually there are 4 or 5 eggs, each a little bigger than a quarter. 

This is my older daughter’s Blue Jay – she’s seven.


We also discussed the parts of a bird.


This past Sunday, we visited our local zoo.  We viewed several birds there too – the Mallard duck and Flamingo!

Don’t forget to visit the blog Handbook of Nature Study and see what others are writing in their journals here! 

If you are interested in doing the weekly OHC don’t wait – it’s so much fun for your family to enjoy nature TOGETHER!

Link to the OHC Blog Carnival too - details here!



  1. Excellent journal pages! Welcome to the Autumn series and I think you did a great job finding birds in your own backyard...we love robins and they are so fun to watch.

    You can submit your blog entry to the carnival here:

    Thanks so much for sharing your link.

  2. Too fun! I didn't even think about checking out birds at the zoo. We'll have to do that the next time we make a visit.

  3. What an adorable bird drawings! I am serious, they are so cute.


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